Browse: /demo/
GETID3_VERSION string (14) 1.9.5-20130220
avdataend integer 675412
avdataoffset integer 0
comments array (3)
Copyright array (1)
0 string (123) PEPPERS.PPM

Popular old image of various green and red peppers. I don't know
the source or copyright status of this image.
Long stupid keyword with lots of spaces just to test the limits of your decoder array (1)
0 string (11) Short value
Title array (1)
0 string (7) Peppers
comments_html array (3)
Copyright array (1)
0 string (135) PEPPERS.PPM

Popular old image of various green and red peppers. I don't know
the source or copyright status of this image.
Long stupid keyword with lots of spaces just to test the limits of your decoder array (1)
0 string (11) Short value
Title array (1)
0 string (7) Peppers
encoding string (5) UTF-8
fileformat string (3) png
filename string (7) PNG.png
filenamepath string (46) /demo/PNG.png
filepath string (38) /demo
filesize integer 675412
mime_type string (9) image/png
png array (12)
IDAT array (1)
0 array (1)
header array (5)
crc integer 35019242
data_length integer 18672
flags array (4)
ancilliary boolean FALSE
private boolean FALSE
reserved boolean FALSE
safe_to_copy boolean FALSE
type_raw integer 1229209940
type_text string (4) IDAT
IEND array (1)
header array (6)
crc double 2923585666
data string (0)
data_length integer 0
flags array (4)
ancilliary boolean FALSE
private boolean FALSE
reserved boolean FALSE
safe_to_copy boolean FALSE
type_raw integer 1229278788
type_text string (4) IEND
IHDR array (6)
color_type array (3)
alpha boolean TRUE
palette boolean FALSE
true_color boolean TRUE
compression_method_text string (15) deflate/inflate
header array (6)
crc double 2206196844
data string (13) 
data_length integer 13
flags array (4)
ancilliary boolean FALSE
private boolean FALSE
reserved boolean FALSE
safe_to_copy boolean FALSE
type_raw integer 1229472850
type_text string (4) IHDR
height integer 512
raw array (5)
bit_depth integer 8
color_type integer 6
compression_method integer 0
filter_method integer 0
interlace_method integer 1
width integer 512
PLTE array (257)
header array (6)
crc double 3430222816
data string (708) w�Naw9�%&��~�i++��G�w=��~Z
�A(�vK��O�A)k�U��ρ@��~�9/Zc4�&'��fg�D��Wi,�v�f��E �J(B �ܹ��ޢ��h��<w=��E��~�RH��ܔ%�f8��{
�U��b�ލ��O��gkN/��ޏ΄iKj�B��E�Ɉ�B0��G�ގ��W�����Z�9(��Z�-1�R/��̎�ޑa/5��gc�6�U�+'hE��A�XD�V1�D�A9�Տ�1-/+b�ލ��Z�՗~�En�Z�Ս��N��n~�j�柜�Ҹ�j��Ϗ�C�׹�/<��������R�ѹ�Վ����^/�%'~�B�j����A1�����fQ����载�Ӡ�i�\��U��f��Y�޸��Đ {